World Sankirtan Newsletter

Krishna Culture (USA)
Yearly History
Total Literatures Distributed and Book Points
Big and Mahabig books, Medium books, Small books and Mags
Yearly Totals
  • 1973

  • 1975

  • 1977

  • 1979

  • 1981

  • 1983

  • 1985

  • 1987

  • 1989

  • 1991

  • 1993

  • 1995

  • 1997

  • 1999

  • 2001

  • 2003

  • 2005

  • 2007

  • 2009

  • 2011

  • 2013

  • 2015

  • 2017

  • 2019

  • 2021

  •   4,800








Yearly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results

                           World Sankirtan Newsletter
                    Yearly History for Krishna Culture (USA)
                          (Last updated on 07/10/2021)

Year         Book     M-Big    Big   Medium   Small            BTG   Full   Total
(Months)    Points    Books   Books   Books   Books    Mags   Subs   Sets   Books

1997( 5)    1802.30     740     298     374     576     572      0     17    2560       
1998(10)     958.15     401      90     200    1046     326      0      6    2063       
1999(12)    2573.20    1180     242     312    1409     174      4     32    3341       
2000(12)    2303.75     991     216     454     895     161     10     34    2777       
2001(11)    2286.45     772     308    1128    1189     523     14     13    4004       
2002(11)    2254.85     720     252    1658    1353     246      7     15    4271       
2003( 8)    1793.35     623     284     714     910     243      2     10    2786       
2004(12)    1501.35     452     220     807     820      85     10      7    2444       
2005(10)    2298.70     911      95     896     509      99      2     19    2522       
2006(11)    1764.05     730     130     502     410      27      6     18    1835       
2007(12)    2099.05     864     119     744     277      48      1     13    2058       
2008( 8)     827.05     315      92     295     294      24      2      5    1032       
2009(12)    2817.80    1172     150     271     590     158      5     39    2371       
2010(11)    1862.50     746      75     364     360     235      0     18    1780       
2011(12)    2914.75    1258     106     401     277     130      2     26    2184       
2012(11)    1824.20     634     127     642     416      42      0     21    1861       
2013(12)    1623.55     551      91     571     341      98     10     14    1712       
2014(12)    1413.30     519      98     414     138     358      0      7    1527       
2015(12)     698.20     210      56     320     236      32      0      9     854       
2016( 8)     654.15     152      18     405     351      69      7      2    1037       
2017(11)     732.25     216     138      79     409     205      0      6    1047       
Total      37002.95   14157    3205   11551   12806    3855     82    331   46066

Yearly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results

                                   World Sankirtan Newsletter
                            Yearly History for Krishna Culture (USA)
                                        By Book Category
                                  (Last updated on 07/10/2021)

        1-yr BTG Subs
Year    English Other  Mags   ---Small--   --Medium--   -Big Books-   -Maha-big--  Full    Book 
(Months) Sub-E  Sub-O   M1     S1----H1     S2----H2     S3-----H3     S4-----H4   Sets   Points

1997( 5)     0     0    572    574     2    325    49    127    171    207    533    17    1802.30
1998(10)     0     0    326   1013    33    106    94     35     55    225    176     6     958.15
1999(12)     4     0    174   1390    19    168   144    118    124    392    788    32    2573.20
2000(12)    10     0    161    881    14    390    64     58    158    255    736    34    2303.75
2001(11)    14     0    523   1187     2    961   167    177    131    240    532    13    2286.45
2002(11)     7     0    246   1335    18   1545   113    115    137    274    446    15    2254.85
2003( 8)     2     0    243    897    13    620    94    121    163    139    484    10    1793.35
2004(12)    10     0     85    806    14    737    70     67    153     86    366     7    1501.35
2005(10)     2     0     99    494    15    812    84     46     49     44    867    19    2298.70
2006(11)     6     0     27    391    19    437    65     81     49     88    642    18    1764.05
2007(12)     1     0     48    271     6    591   153     60     59     93    771    13    2099.05
2008( 8)     2     0     24    294     0    233    62     39     53     60    255     5     827.05
2009(12)     5     0    158    509    81    193    78     90     60    504    668    39    2817.80
2010(11)     0     0    235      1   359     23   341     10     65    143    603    18    1862.50
2011(12)     2     0    130    189    88    183   218     17     89     83   1175    26    2914.75
2012(11)     0     0     42    402    14    610    32     59     68    146    488    21    1824.20
2013(12)    10     0     98    341     0    549    22     75     16    236    315    14    1623.55
2014(12)     0     0    358    125    13    252   162      3     95     69    450     7    1413.30
2015(12)     0     0     32    236     0    320     0      0     56      0    210     9     698.20
2016( 8)     7     0     69    351     0    405     0      2     16      2    150     2     654.15
2017(11)     0     0    205    409     0     79     0      0    138      0    216     6     732.25

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                               Comments? Corrections? Contact us          
                                   Mayapur Sasi dasa, Editor 
              Copyright © BBTI The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.

    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare